“Plastic pollution is a global issue: killing wildlife, contaminating our oceans and waters, and lasting far longer than it is used.” – Leonardo DiCaprio The morning sets the day and the assembly paves the way for our students to rejuvenate their spirits, remain rooted to the moral values and unleash their vitality. Assembly works as a source of inspiration and its experiences widen and deepen students' interests. With great enthusiasm, the students of 9F at Amanora School presented an entrancing assembly on the topic, “Plastic Free Society- Adopt Sustainable Alternatives”. Plastic, the wonder material we use for anything that pollutes our atmosphere, is probably the most destructive waste deposited in the sea by sailors and sea-goers because it does not break down easily. The plastic that goes in the river today might still be around to ruin the fishing gear, ship propellers, and beaches for future generations. According to the Central Pollution Control Board in India, we generate around 26,000 tons of all types of plastics every day and half of it is not even collected from the source. They choke the drains, get eaten by animals, enter the water resources and pollute the environment. On average, every Indian consumes 11 kgs of plastic every year. Though it is 10 times less than the USA, as India has more population, we seem to generate a lot of waste comparatively. Here are several steps we should take to reverse the tide of harmful, non-biodegradable waste so that our world will not be overtaken by it. • Use of paper, canvas, and other healthy-fiber containers, placed produce. • Using bags of wax paper, cloth napkins, or reusable sandwich boxes etc. • Using bottles or cans of glass only. We need to acknowledge that we only have one planet, which we are supposed to pass down to our future generations. It is our responsibility to keep it safe and clean. The assembly on “- Plastic Free Society- Adopt Sustainable Alternatives” helped students understand the harmful effects of plastic and the threat plastic causes to our environment. It inspired students to adopt environment friendly sustainable alternatives which can replace plastic, in our day today life. The assembly commenced with the school prayer followed by the pledge. The program advanced with the following segments. ● Word of the Day, Thought of the Day, News updates ● Speech on Plastic Free society. The speech gave an understanding of the harmful effects of plastic and the need to find sustainable alternatives. ● Group song on Saving Earth. ● The assembly was followed by ‘Teacher’s Talk’ delivered by the class teacher. ● The session was concluded with the national anthem. The students of 9F presented their assembly extremely well & executed well through their team work. ""
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